August 2019
Secret Love is awarded a foal Premium by the Oldenburg Verband!! |
Sire Secret
2019 Vice World Champion Secret had an amazing start to his career. Already Vice Bundeschampion Secret did especially well in the qualifier and the finals for 3-year-old stallions at the Bundeschampion in Warendorf. He placed first in the Qualifier with a 9.00 and second in the Finals with a 9 for trot, walk and training, a 10 for canter, and 8.50 for confirmation. The test rider awarded a 17 giving Secret a 62.50 overall. With the highest dressage final score of 9.5, Secret successfully completed his 14-day test.
– Secret received in Schlieckau ; gallop 10.0, trot 9.5 and was rated in rideability by both the judges and the foreign rider with the highest score of 10.00.
Secret is a son of triple World Champion of Young Dressage Horses, Sezuan. Sezuan was also a champion at five, six and seven years old. During these competitions, he received scores of 9.5 and 10.0. Sezuan was champion of his stallion test and received the high score of 10.0 ten times, a new record. From Sezuan's first crops Secret and Sam in Berlin have been licensed.
Secret's damline has produced a number of international performance horses such as Liebenberg and Top Gun, successful in Italy. Thirty eight approved stallions descend from this damline, including Aktuell, Christ, Sorento, Weltruf and Wildfang. Dam, Seline, is sired by St. Moritz, who in a short breeding career has sired many important sport and breeding successors. The third dam is sired by Rotspon and includes Argentan, Woermann and Lugano in her pedigree.
Other standouts from this mareline include our very own World Champion -Lordswood Dancing Diamond! (owned in partnership with Lordswood Dressage).
Dam OLH Pr Larkshill Scandalous
Stunning mare by World Champion stallion Fürst Heinrich out of Elite & Pr. St. Larkshill Supremacy by De Niro - full sister to Oldenburg licensed stallion Larkshill Debonair. This mares' pedigree is absolutely World Class her sire Fürst Heinrich was World Champion and sire of double World Champion mare Woodlander Farouche, out of a full sister to a graded stallion who herself is an Elite premium mare and by the world's leading dressage sire De Niro - it doesn't get much better than that!
In 2016 Scandal was awarded the Oldenburg Haupt Premium (formally State Premium) after a very successful performance test in Germany. For me it is very special as it is second generation breeding as I bred her mother Elite Pr St Larkshill Supremacy.
Fürst Heinrich, a celebrated World Champion of five-year old dressage stallions in 2003, became a star sire within just a few years. He was awarded a Premium at the NRW Licensing in 2000, he then went on to become Champion of his Performance Test in Münster-Handorf. In 2002 he was a Main Premium winner at Oldenburg.
In his short breeding career ( as he sadly dies aged 7) he has produced well over 40 Licensed Stallions including many Premium stallions, Champions and Reserve Champions. At the 2004 Oldenburger Licensing, Fürst Heinrich was well represented with two sons, Van the Man and First Forez being awarded Champion and Reserve Champion respectively. The impressive list of State Premium mares sired by Fürst Heinrich is further evidence of the consistent quality being produced. The list includes Fantastica, Champion Mare of the 2005 Westphalen Elite Mare Show, Feh, 1d Premium Mare and Furstin, 1h Premium Mare, at the 2005 Rheinland Elite Mare Show. The Oldenburger Elite Mare Show in Rastede resulted in two Fürst Heinrich daughters finishing in the Brilliant Ring, 1f Premium for Gloriette and 1h Premium for Deotlinger Deern. Herzfurstin was awarded 1d Premium at the 2006 Rheinland-Pfalz-Saar Elite Mare Show, and Famagusta, 1j at the Rheinland Mare Show. Fürst Heinrich delivered top priced auction foals from his first foal crop and in 2006 his son, Fürstenball ( who went on to sire the Champion Oldenburg Stallion 2012 from his first foal crop!) sold for the record price of 110,000 Euros at the Oldenburger Foal Auction. His first foal crops produced Champion foals at regional shows and a daughter won the German Foal Champion in 2003.